Friday, February 26, 2010

Journal Pockets and Prize !!


I've been trying to post all week, don't know where time has gone. First my HUGE thanks to Ms. Kathryn the Collage Diva for my delish papers I received from her:

Love them, and can't wait to use them ♥

Also here are a couple of recent journal pages with pockets that I learned from Ms. Connie from the Dirty Footprint Studio

The Art Journal Love Letters online class rocks!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Art Journal class

I'm so enjoying my Art Journal Love Letter class, the textures that we are creating are so delish to look at, really, you'll want to eat them : D

Here is my latest page. I found the picture on the internet by searching "architecture".

I colorized it to look sun-shiny happy. The gold circles look like drops of honey, and check out the texture.

Thanks for visiting !

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another Wonderful Giveaway ♥

Hey there!

Click HERE to visit Ms. Linda's gorgeous blog AND to participate in her generous giveaway !
She made some super-delish hand made journals and now she's giving them to a lucky reader.

Thank you Linda !!
Hugs ♥

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Art Journal Backgrounds

Hello there,
I'm loving the Love Letters Art Journaling experience. Look at what I can do now : )
The messy looking one is actually really, really yummy. There was some glare on the pic that I couldn't avoid. Theses backgrounds are wonderfully shiny. Anyway the messy one is vibrant green, brown, and pink; with lots of texture, it reminds me of chocolate-mint-strawberry ice cream with cone texture, I luv it.
I'm also happy to learn to colorize b/w pics, sooo very fun and pretty, if I may say so myself.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Woo Hoooo !!

I won!!
I won 12 gorgeous patterned papers from our very dear Collage Diva Ms. Kathryn with her generous  participation with the One World One Heart Magic Carpet 2010. I am soo lucky and just tickled pink ♥.

I love participating in giveaways, it's fun even if I don't win. And I never won before, so this is totally thrilling : )

Thank you Kathryn!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Art Journaling and Valentines ♥

I started Art Journaling with the New Year, and I love it. Now I'll be taking an online class from the talented Ms. Connie from Dirty Footprints Studio, to LoVe art journaling even more : ) Click on the side button for more info.

Happy Valentine's Day ♥♥♥
My thoughts, in case you are interested: Been married for over 22 years, (I married very young so don't bother to do the math LOL) to my one and only dear man. We are comfortable with each other, and we are still thoughtful and caring. HOwever... the  Valentine cards in the stores are SOOO very corny... and unrealistic, I wish they would just make beautiful cards and leave them blank. I could make one, but then will that look like I'm a cheap-skate?

Thanks for visiting and Happy Valentine's Day !!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My deep appreciation goes all the way to Barcelona, Spain !

My dear friend Lyn from Barcelona sent me these. And I love them : )
Lyn Newhouse is a very talented artist and you can find her blog HERE.

Muchisimas gracias Eva por este bellisimo detalle, eres muy linda.
Me encantan tus creaciones, sinceramente tu amiga de Texas, Carmen

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Beautiful !

Head over to In the Light of the Moon where Cat is giving away a gorgeous beyond gorgeous necklace! Here is Cat's picture:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Name that Famous Painter!

Hola, hola my friends,Thank you so very much for your wise comments-replies to my question on the previous post.

Now, I have a fun Art-Trivia for you. I really hope that I don't seem presumptuous by posting this. It's not an indication that my creation is in any way near equal to the master artist that inspired me, I promise you I don't feel that way.

A fabulous Artist has inspired me greatly. I tryied to replicate one of his pieces. Now let's see if you can name the painter that crated the original. Here is a  clue: last name starts with the letter M and the title of his painting starts with A (The A...). Here is the pic:

By the way, head over to Julie Prichards blog for an opportunity to win a FREE "Color Beyond the Basics" online class! Yay!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Moon Bathing

A question to all the amazing artist out there:
If you decide not to persue selling your pieces, what do you do with your art? Do you hang it all over your home? Do you give it away? Do you store it?
Thank you for your comments :D

Monday, February 1, 2010

January, what a rollercoaster!

I started the year all optimistic and full of expectation for 2010!
Then situations beyond my control ruined the second and third weeks of the month.
In the end I decided to just create because I enjoy it. Drawing a model from a magazine I created a composition taking place in my own livingroom. Check it out : - )
Thanks for visiting!