Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hola, from San Antonio, Texas!

This morning my daughter and I, decided to make a trip to downtown San Antonio, to take pictures with our new cameras, Christmas gifts : ) , I just lOvE old architecture, and we are surrounded by history here.

For 2010, and for the first time ever, I started an Art Journal, and I'm enjoying it far more than expected, yay! My favorite find has been packaging tape transfers. I'm a little shy to post pics of my journal at the moment, but I would love to share how wonderful these transfers are working for me, maybe later. I just HIGHly recommend it, it's easy and beautiful. Then your pages look like a glossy magazine, but more beautiful and personal. Try it : D



  1. Wonderful photo! I so enjoy taking pictures and have never visited San Antonio, so how nice to have a peek!

    Packing tape transfers are the ones I find easy and most reliable

    look forward to seeing some journal pages when you're ready

  2. Agree with the tape transfers. I was just looking at some I did the other day, but haven't incorporated into anything.

    I've always wanted to visit San Antonio - a beautiful city, I've heard.
